TzKT Tezos blockchain explorer
TzKT explorer from the Baking Bad team is designed to improve experience for both newcomers and advanced Tezos Blockchain users. In this article we will reveal the main features of this explorer.
Main Page: Contains general information on the blockchain: current cycle and block, Governance status, accounts and transactions stats, current price chart. The dropdown tab in the header allows you to switch the explorer to the testnets.

Also, there is a Liquidity Baking tab, where you can interact with the Sirius DEX contract directly from TzKT. Sirius is an AMM tzBTC/XTZ DEX directly integrated into Tezos with a protocol subsidy.

API: Leads to the powerful API sub-site, where all API documentation is located, free for use by Tezos developers.

Tezos DAPPs: List of DAPPs present in Tezos ecosystem. Chart can be sorted by category or any parameters like TVL, Volume, Users, Interactions with a different timeframes (1D, 7D, 30D)

Stats: The entire ecosystem of Tezos, expressed in graphs. Useful to view the dynamics of the L1 protocol according to a wide list of indicators like transactions, volume, contract interactions, active users, total accounts and other.

Bakers: Provides a list of all Tezos Bakers. By default, this tab displays only active public bakers - this measure is to secure the newcomer delegators. Use filters or switch to “all bakers” tab for advanced search.

Blockchain: a wide range of tools for users to get specific data. Cycles and blocks list, accounts information, particular operations, governance events, software overview etc.

Search and bookmarks. On the header right side there is a search bar. The search is configured to find the right user or contract by name, address and Tezos Domain, as well as to prompt you with similar results. Bookmark any address to ease its use for you. Export and import it to easily set on other devices or share with your mates.